
I studied a BA in English & Philosophy at Keele University which I followed up with a Masters in Creative and Life Writing at Goldsmiths. After some career meandering I ended up working as a Student Adviser in Higher Education, helping students identify their goals and supporting them through their degrees towards their careers.

Whilst doing this I was also trying to work on my other career as a poet, as well as exploring my creativity through sewing and patchwork quilting. My first book of poems was published in 2019, my first fully handsewn-quilt was completed in 2021.

As always, something had to give! I recognised that the best bit of my day job was working with people one on one, listening and supporting them through their issues and helping them to stand on their own two feet and achieve their goals. So doing this became my focus!

Now I am very proud to say that I completed my ICF Accredited training in October 2022 and I now have a portfolio career as a Coach, Higher Education Professional and Poet.

If you’d like to work together, please get in touch below or email hello@edgarveylong.com

Ed is reading his poetry to a small audience
Ed is holding up his hand sewn patchwork quilt